Welcome to the North Carolina Soil Health Coalition!
Becoming a member of the Coalition means that you are helping the organization carry out its mission of regenerating healthy soils in North Carolina through farmer-driven education and networking. We’re excited that you’ve joined us and look forward to both learning from you and providing you with resources that benefit your farm!
The Soil Health Coalition is farmer-led, so please contact the Board of Directors if you’d like to be involved in committees or if you have ideas and resources that may benefit other farmers in the Coalition. Our goal is to support one another as we work to build healthy soils and ecosystems on our farms. Productive, resilient farms are built on healthy soil!
What’s Next?
First, please make sure you are receiving emails from the Coalition’s email address, info@ncsoilhealth.org, so you have the latest information about soil health events and resources. If you don’t see an email from us, check your junk or spam folder and add us to your trusted senders.
Also, text SOIL to (833) 692-5523 to receive event reminders via text message to make sure you’re always aware of upcoming events and opportunities!
Upcoming events are also listed on the events calendar on our website. Your membership gains you:
Free access to our Soil Health Hour virtual meetings and recordings. You can watch recordings from previous meetings here.
Free admission to all soil health field day events.
One free ticket to our Annual Meeting.
Access to our member logo to use on your farm's website or promotional materials to show your dedication to restoring healthy soil on your farm - download our member logo here.
Catawba Attachments is offering a one-time 5% discount to our members! Use the coupon to claim your discount (Coupon Code: nc-soil-health-coalition-member)! Catawba Attachments is located in Stony Point, NC and offers a variety of pull behind and 3-point attachments.
KS Trust is offering free financial consultation to our members, including trust and estate planning! Contact Heidi Watkins (hwatkins@ksbankinc.com | 919-938-3101) to set up a consultation. Learn more by clicking here.
Our Soil Health Service Provider directory can be accessed here: Soil Health Service Providers. The directory will connect you with service providers in North Carolina, the Southeast, and across the U.S. that offer resources to assist your farm, such as cover crop seed, fencing and livestock supplies, soil testing, and other equipment. Many of these companies and organizations have provided direct support to the Coalition and we hope they can assist you in meeting your goals. Please let us know if you’ve worked with a trusted provider that is missing from our list!
Thank you for being a member of the North Carolina Soil Health Coalition! Your membership supports the Coalition’s mission and you are playing an important part in providing farmer-driven education and mentorship to farms across the state now and in the future. Stay active and engaged this year by attending meetings and events, volunteering to participate as a mentor, and sharing experiences from your farm with other members!
Board of Directors
Ben Cauthen
Karen Scalf
Lisa Williams
Josh Harris
Harrison Jenkins
Allison Lepanto